White Label Guide

Messenger White Label Guide


The White-Label edition of Messenger has all elements of Dialhog branding removed. Changes apply to the entire platform - so that any emails, error messages or web pages will come with your branding. For all intents and purposes is your product - which could even be linked off or integrated into your existing website.

White-labelling is ideal for larger business use, reselling or partners.

White-labelling and custom domains are features that can be switched on for your organisation after a quick call to our sales team. Once enabled you can easily customise the product to your need with a simple point-and-click interface. No hassle, no fuss and no waiting around.

Branding Options

The Branding Options screen lets you configure a variety of key settings - be aware that when you click the save button your users must logout and then login for the new settings to take effect.

Option Value Impact

Product Name


This changes the product name in the browser title bar which in turn affects bookmarks

Upload Your Logo

png or jpg

You can upload your own logo 250px x 50px in size. If sizing differs we will attempt to resize. Affects all pages including system email templates

Upload Your Logomark

png or jpg

You can upload a mini log mark 16px x 16px in size. If sizing differs we will attempt to resize. Affects the browser title bar, and any bookmarks within browser or device e.g iOS Icon

Support Email

Valid Email Address

Any system reference to 'Support' in error messages, emails etc. will use this email address.

Domain Name

Valid Domain

Your domain. This affects Web, Outlook, Email2SMS, API. If you have requested the custom domain feature during the setup of White-Labeling you will have the ability to change the domain, using the domain configuration page. Please see the section on domain names below.

Colour Settings

The Colour Settings screen allows you to customise the platform to match your own colour scheme.

Note the extensive Preview function that instantly shows you the impact of your colour choices.

Custom Domain Names

You may want your White Label version of Messenger to be accessed via your own domain name, rather than dialhog.net. This ability should be requested when setting up White Labelling via Support.

SSL - Secure Sockets

Please note you will need to provide an SSL (Secure Sockets) certificate for your custom domain. You must contact Support to have SSL enabled.

Custom Domain

A custom domain provides the ability for a company to modify its CNAME record in DNS to point to the dialhog.net service.

Effectively, in a nutshell - the White-Labeled product appears to come from your domain.

To do so complete the following steps:

  • Contact your domain administrator and ask for your domain to have a CNAME record to dialhog.net
  • Contact your domain administrator and have an MX record for your domain set to dialhog.net
  • Select "Custom Domain" inside Messenger and enter your domain into the text field. You can only do this once the above change has propagated
  • Click Save

Changes Can Take Time

Please note that changing your DNS may not be instant and it can take up to 24 hours for changes to propagate to other servers.

SSL - Securing your traffic

When you decide to use a Custom Domain, we require an SSL certificate to use with the Messenger service.

We do not have the ability to issue SSL certificates on your behalf, so you must create a certificate signing request for your domain and provide this to your SSL supplier. They will in turn generate a certificate. Once this is complete you should send us:

  • The CRT file sent from your issuer
  • The key you used to create the CSR

If you have any difficulty with this please contact Support who will guide you through organising a SSL certificate via your favoured provider

Standard Domain

Of course you don't have to use a Custom Domain. You are welcome to use dialhog.net by selecting "Primary domain name" as your Domain Type.


The Email to SMS service can function with Custom Domains and Custom Subdomains.

Your users will no longer be required to send emails to @dialhog.net and instead can use your domain or the custom sub-domain you have chosen.

Any system emails such as delivery statuses are automatically rebranded with your logo and come from your custom domain or sub domain.

Using your existing Email Domain

It is not possible to use your existing email domain as the target for Email2SMS emails. You must instead use a separate domain for Email2SMS.

Mobile Touch2TXT

White-Labeling does not alter the branding of either the Android application or the Mobile HTML Touch2TXT application.

We must undertake rebranding of these platforms on a bespoke basis - contact Sales for further inquiries