
Most of your personal options are maintained and managed by a Company Administrator. However, your personal information can be managed on your Profile page.

Field Name Purpose
Name Your name is visible to other users within your company and can be changed at any time.
Password Click on the change password text to bring up the change password dialogue. On-screen instructions will help you set a password compliant with your organisations selected password policy.
Mobile Number Your mobile number is an important detail to have correct if you are using the forward to mobile or Instant Messaging service. Please note that users cannot share a mobile number (no duplicates).
Country Your country affects operation of the product, our smart number helper uses your country to work out the correct destination number formats. Country is also used to set your billing currency. It cannot be changed at this time and you must contact support
Time Zone Change the time zone to alter the way times and dates are displayed in the web site. This does not alter the time displayed on SMS messages (on the handsets) but will give you freedom to be able to view the website in a local time zone.