Message Length

Set and preview the maximum number of text messages you want to send each time

Individual text messages have a maximum of 160 characters. You can send longer messages, but they will be sent as up to three separate text messages:

  • You can see how much of your message fits into a single Text Message by clicking on "Preview Pane" in the menu bar.
  • The "Preview" box shows how much of your message will be included in each Text Message that is sent.
  • You can set your maximum Text Messages by clicking on "Maximum Messages".

Non-Latin Alphabets

If your Outlook client is set to use a UTF-16 language (Chinese, Cyrillic etc), your character payload decreases to 70 characters in the first part, and 134 characters in the second part.

This means if you send a message that is 100 characters in a UTF-16 language, you will be charged for 2 messages.